Renewal Application

Application Information  
Signature Statement signed by
Reporting Period
Start Date:
End Date:
Services Information  

Standard 1 - Support for DSMES Services

Sponsoring Organization Name:

Administrative Officer:
Add 1:
Add 2:
Postal Code:

Standard 1 - Stakeholders

The DSMES service has identified external service stakeholders
The DSMES service has identified how each stakeholder may provide purposeful input and/or advocacy
The stakeholders will be reviewed/revised annually

Standard 2 - Population and Service Assessment

Verify that there is at least annual documented evidence of an assessment of the target Population the DSMES service serves
There is documentation showing DSMES Service Design and Resources relative to the population served
There is documentation showing plan to address any identified barriers or gaps in service

Quality Coordinator

Contact Information:
NPI Number:
Imported Coach ID:
Add 1:
Add 2:
Certificates & Credentials
CDCES ID #: Exp:
BC-ADM ID #: Exp:
Other cert:
RN Lic. #: Exp:
RD CDR #: Exp:
Pharm Lic. # Exp:
Exercise Physiologist Prof. Reg. #: Exp:
Physician Prof. Reg. #: Exp:
Physician's Assistant Prof. Reg. #: Exp:
Podiatrist Prof. Reg. #: Exp:
Social Worker Prof. Reg. #: Exp:
Other Prof. Reg. #: Exp:
If this staff member is not a CDCES or BC-ADM
There is documentation to support that this Staff member has received 15 contact hours in any one or a combination of diabetes specific topics, diabetes related topics, psychosocial topics, or educational topics within the 12 months prior to the date this application is being entered online.
Job Description
Has academic preparation and/or experiential preparation in program management.
Has academic preparation and/or experiential preparation in the care of persons with a chronic disease.
Oversees the planning, implementation, and quality evaluation of the DSMES services at all sites.

General Information (EHR / Symposium Q's)

Type of Electronic Health Record:
Epic Cerner
Centricity Chronicle
E-Clinical Works (ECW) Meditech
All Scripts Diaweb

Have you attended an ERP DSMES Symposium?
Has any of your staff attended an ADA ERP DSMES Symposium?
Multi Site - Site Information Complete this information once for each multi-site included in the application
Site Name and Contact Information:
Site URL:
Add 1:
Add 2:
Postal Code:
Single Discipline:
How many years has the Site offered DSMES as an ADA Recognized program?
Less than 1 1-2 3-5
6 or more        
Patients are seen in a year
Total patients seen in last 12 months:
What other services are provided in addition to DSMES?
CDC DPPE with pending Recognition CDC DPPE with full Recognition
What Can I Eat (WCIE) Insulin pump services
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) services Medical nutrition therapy (MNT)
Medical/clinical (including lab) Exercise facility
Foot screenings Other nutrition counseling
Intensive behavioral therapy None
Total number of participants during reporting period
Comprehensive and/or Initial:
Post Program Instruction:
Average hours of DSMES received by participants during reporting period
Comprehensive and/or Initial:
Post Program Instruction:
Age of participants receiving DSMES during reporting period
More than 65 years of age:
45-64 years of age:
19-44 years of age:
Less than 19 years of age:
Diabetes type of participants receiving DSMES during reporting period
0-18 years old:
19+ years old:
Type 1
0-18 years old:
  Type 1
19+ years old:
Type 2
0-18 years old:
  Type 2
19+ years old:
GDM:   Other:
Race/ethnicity of participants receiving DSMES during reporting period
American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian/Chinese/Japanese/ Korean/Pacific Islander
Black/African American Hispanic/Chicano/Cuban/ Mexican/Puerto Rican/Latino
White/Caucasian Middle Eastern
Special needs of participants receiving DSMES during reporting period
Physically disabled Visually impaired
Hearing impaired Low literacy
English as a second language    


Unique features of the site
Print augmentation Interpreters
Low literacy education tools Physical plant enhancements
Transportation opportunities Allowances for cultural diversity
Languages other than English    

Site Service Area
Urban Rural Suburban
Multi Site - Site Information (Continued) Complete this information once for each multi-site included in the application
Site Setting
Community based Pediatric
Home health RD practice
Outpatient hospital based Nurse Practitioner practice
Long term care facility Long-distance learning/telemedicine
Pharmacy Skilled Nursing Facility
Physician practice Patient Centered Medical Home
Worksite health Government or public health
If Government or public health:
Federally Qualified Health Clinic Veterans Administration
Indian Health Services Department of Health
Rural health clinic Other
What other services are provided in addition to DSMES?
CDC DPPE with pending Recognition CDC DPPE with full Recognition
What Can I Eat (WCIE) Insulin pump services
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) services Medical nutrition therapy (MNT)
Intensive behavioral therapy Medical/clinical (including lab)
Exercise facility Foot screenings
Other nutrition counseling None
Site DSMES method(s)
1:1 Group 1:1 and Group
Setting(s) used for DSMES - You must be able to answer Yes to at least one of the questions in this block.
In person
Telehealth (meeting CMS requirements)
Other virtual offerings
Topics / Content You must be able to answer Yes to all the questions on this page.
Diabetes Pathophysiology:
Incorporating nutritional management into lifestyle
Incorporating physical activity into lifestyle
Using medications safely
Monitoring blood glucose, interpreting and using results
Prevention, detection and treatment of acute complications
Prevention, detection and treatment of chronic complications
Lifestyle and healthy coping
Diabetes distress and support
Evidence that the teaching approach is individualized, interactive, patient centered and incorporates problem solving
Each topic includes objectives, methods of delivery and methods of evaluation
There is a documented process for meeting DSMES participants needs that are out of scope of the DSMES team or service
Documentation reflecting at least annual review/revision of the curriculum and/or supporting materials
Education records from this site You must be able to answer Yes to all the questions on this page.
Documentation of a referral from a provider managing participant's diabetes if insurance requires one
Documentation of comprehensive assessment of the participant's diabetes knowledge, self-management skills, diabetes- and health-related behaviors, behavior change potential, and other relevant information including medical history
Documentation of baseline assessment of the DSMES service wide monitored clinical or quality of life measure
Documentation of participants DSMES education plan and behavioral goals
Documentation of educational interventions which include the date of intervention, content taught and the name(s) of the DSMES team members'
Documentation of an evaluation of education outcomes and behavioral goals
Documentation of an assessment of the DSMES service wide monitored clinical or quality of life measure after one or more DSMES encounters
Documentation of communication with referring provider (if applicable) or other healthcare provider outside of the DSMES team
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Process At This Site You must be able to answer Yes to all the questions on this page.
There is documentation of at least one category of participant behavioral goal outcome identified and aggregated at a minimum annually
There is documentation of at least one other participant clinical or quality of life outcome identified and aggregated at a minimum annually
There is documentation that the DSMES Provider(s) measure or plan to measure the effectiveness of the DSMES services on an ongoing basis so the Recognized DSMES team can identify areas for improvement and adjust engagement strategies and service offerings to optimize outcomes.
Opportunity for DSMES Service improvement or change.
Project outcome targets
Project assessment and evaluation schedule at a minimum of every 6 months
  Outcome Target %   Actual %
Behavioral Outcome(s)
Nutritional Management
Physical Activity/Being Active
Taking medications
Acute complications/Problem Solving
Chronic complication/Reducing Risks
Psychosocial Adjustment/healthy Coping
Other: ______________________________
Other Participant Outcomes
A1c - % of pt that have 2 or more A1c values documented
A1c - Actual decrease in value - Example Target 1.5 and Actual 1.0. Do not include a “-“ in the box*
A1c - % of participants with decrease - Example Target is 50% and actual 75%. *
Eye Exam
Foot Exam
Quality of Life
Weight - % of pt that have 2 or more weight values documented
Weight Change - Actual decrease in value - Example Target 10(lbs) and Actual is 8(lbs) Do not include “-“ in the box. *
Weight Change - % of participants with decrease - Example Target is 50% and actual 75%. *
Patient Experience
Hospital Admissions – Due to Diabetes - Actual decrease in value
Hospital Admissions – Due to Diabetes - % of participants with decrease*
ER Visits – Due to Diabetes - Actual decrease in value
ER Visits - Due to Diabetes - % of participants with decrease *
Other: ______________________________

Multi Site - Team Member Information Complete this information once for each staff member included in the application

Note about Resource Staff and Temporary Staff: Resource staff and temporary staff are not required to obtain 15 hours of CEUs annually and should not be added to the application. Resource staff are professionals that teach less than 10% of the entire program. Instructors that fill in for permanent staff and are with the program less than 4 months are considered temporary instructors and are not required to be on the application.

Instructional Staff Members at this Site

Instructional Staff Member
NPI Number:
Imported Coach ID:
Assistant Coordinator:
Mental Health Trained:
No. of hours per month in DSMES during reporting period:
Certificates & Credentials
CDCES ID #: Exp:
BC-ADM ID #: Exp:
Other cert:
RN Lic. #: Exp:
RD CDR #: Exp:
Pharm Lic. # Exp:
Exercise Physiologist Prof. Reg. #: Exp:
Physician Prof. Reg. #: Exp:
Physician's Assistant Prof. Reg. #: Exp:
Podiatrist Prof. Reg. #: Exp:
Social Worker Prof. Reg. #: Exp:
Other Prof. Reg. #: Exp:
If this staff member is not a CDCES or BC-ADM
There is documentation to support that this Staff member has received 15 contact hours in any one or a combination of diabetes specific topics, diabetes related topics, psychosocial topics, or educational topics within the 12 months prior to the date this application is being entered online.

Paraprofessionals at this Site

Examples are LPN, Dietary Tech, Community Health Worker, MA, Lab Technician, Yoga Instructor or a Personal Trainer.

Paraprofessional Staff Member
NPI Number:
Imported Coach ID:
Assistant Coordinator:
Mental Health Trained:
Diploma or Certification
Certificate, Diploma, or Training:
Proof of training
Expiration date:
Does not expire
Lifestyle Coach:
Lifestyle Coach Master Trainer:
Paraprofessional Information
Paraprofessional Information
No. Hours worked per Month during Reporting Period:
Hours of Diabetes Program related training:
Paraprofessional Supervised By:
There is annual documentation that the paraprofessional educator is competent in the areas of the DSMES program taught
There is documentation of supervision by a professional educator
Expansion Site - Site Information Complete this information once for each expansion site included in the application
Site Name and Contact Information:
Site URL:
Add 1:
Add 2:
Postal Code:
Recognition Standards
Complete Recognition Standards Questionnaire
Yes No If no a reason will be required.
The DSMES entity has documentation of DSMES service stakeholder names and how each may provide purposeful input and/or advocacy.
The DSMES service has assessed their target oopulation’s demographics, diabetes types, DSMES preferences and needs and DSMES barriers to DSMES and compared these to the services provided to identify any gaps and develop a plan to address them.
A quality coordinator is designated to oversee the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the DSMES services at all times. The coordinator has the appropriate number of CE credits if not CDCES or BC-ADM per the standard guidelines.
Diabetes self-management education is provided by one or more team members. The team members have recent educational and experiential preparation in education and diabetes management and are a CDCES or BC-ADM.. or non-CDCES or non-BC-ADM team members have obtained regular continuing education in the field of diabetes management education and support. At least one of the professional team members is a registered nurse, dietitian, pharmacist, CDCES, or BC-ADM. Diabetes Community Care Coordinators (DCCC), previously known as Paraprofessional team members, are supervised by a professional team member and supervision is documented. There is proof of DCCC's diploma, certification, previous experience or training. DCCC must demonstrate training and competency in DSMES topics taught. DCCC must have documentation of 15 hours of diabetes or diabetes related training and competency in the DSMES topics taught before teaching and annually.
A written curriculum reflecting current evidence and practice guidelines, serves as the framework for the DSMES entity, including teaching approaches and method of evaluating learning that are interactive, participant-centered and incorporate problem solving. There is evidence of regular review and revisions as needed, at least annually, of the curriculum and/or course materials. All DSMES services must have a process to ensure that the participant's needs that are outside fo the scope of practice of the DSMES team or service are met.
An individual assessment and education plan is developed collaboratively by the participant and team members to direct the selection of appropriate educational interventions and self-management support strategies. This assessment, education plan, education intervention and education outcomes are documented in the education record.
The DSMES entity measures attainment of participant defined goals and other participant outcomes (clinical or quality of life) at regular intervals using appropriate measurement techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational intervention.
The education planned or provided and at least one outcome is communicated back to the referring provider or other healthcare providers.
The DSMES entity measures at least every 6 months the effectiveness of the education and/or process and determines opportunities for improvement using a written continuous quality improvement (CQI) plan that describes and documents a systematic review of the entities' process and outcome data
The DSMES entity aggregates at least one behavioral goal and one other participant clinical or quality of life outcome at least annually.
Paper Audit Item(s) and Misc. Documentation This lists the files you may need
A formal description of CQI process and current project
Documentation of annual program review and/or plan and advisory committee activities
A copy of a de-identified patient chart showing complete education process
A copy of a full section of Program's "Nutrition" curriculum
A copy of a full section of Program's "Medication" curriculum
A copy of a full section of Program's "Goals Setting and Behavior Change" curriculum
Support Documentation